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AN ANGELIC VALENTINE TO THE SELF1/31/2014 By Jenny Cheong Valentine’s day is just around the corner and Love is celebrated everywhere we go – impossible to miss advertisements on all the fabulous gift ideas for Valentine’s day; love songs playing non- stop on the radio; beautiful roses for sale at the sidewalks; and who can resist Mr Softy The Teddy Bear and those specially packaged chocolates that will melt the heart of our loved ones away for sure! For those with that special someone, they wish that these romantic and loving feeling towards and from their partners can last forever. For those without their partners to spend the day with, they may feel love has eluded them. We believe that love is only available to us through someone. In other words, Love, be it romantic or non, can only come from an external means. Working as a holistic practitioner and meditation facilitator for years now, I have realized that this is the sentiment commonly echoed by my clients and the participants. Most of the heartbreaking experiences related to love arise because we believe that our loved ones have upset us and/or our love is not reciprocated. I had gone through such challenging and rollercoaster moments in my life as well. In my meditation one night, I decided to ask the Angels on what can we do to avoid getting our hearts broken again. I was also curious on why we would still feel lonely and sad from time to time even if someone loves us. Immediately I hear the song ‘The Greatest Love of All’ by Whitney Houston playing in my mind’s ears. The Angels replied that we can cure any heartaches by remembering to love ourselves in addition to loving others. By practicing Self-love, we will unleash the power and wisdom within us and be able to enjoy the complete love experience with others. Self-Love The Angels said that just like the song “The Greatest Love of All”, loving ourselves is the highest form of love, despite the common belief that love can only occur between two people in love. This belief system stemmed from the time when we were born. It was during this time when most of us had experienced and learnt Love from our parents or guardians. By hearing them repeatedly cooing ‘I love you’, we were conditioned to think that there must be an object/ person to love and that love can only come from another person. This conditioned mind is further enhanced by our upbringing and information provided in media. Reasons for Self-Love as shared by the Angels 1. Self-Awareness. As we love ourselves, we turn our focus inwards and begin to take more interest in our wellbeing. We become more aware of what makes us smile each day and why we behave the way we do. Please do not equate self-love as being selfish or self-centered. If you genuinely love yourself, you will feel good about yourself, feel even better about the world and you will want to share this good vibration with people around you. 2. Loving ourselves strengthens us and makes us healthy. Our DNA system is built upon Love. As we tap into this divine part of us, we activate our intuitive selves within. We will start to know what food is good for our health, what changes we need to make to improve our lives, and can assertively handle relationships and situation when they no longer serve our higher purpose. These will in turn eliminate any chances of heartbreaks in our lives. 3. Change Our Perspectives. As we connect to our inner wisdom, we also start to look at things in a bigger picture. We will see more and more of ourselves in others and start to understand why people act the way they do. In other words, we will be aware of the oneness between ourselves and others, and ultimately with Mother Earth and all of her life forms. 4. Law of Attraction. Love is a form of high vibrational energy and we can attain love simply by loving ourselves. In Law of Attraction, it states that whatever we focus on, energy will flow in that area, and results will show. As we focus on loving ourselves wholeheartedly, we will also start to attract the type of relationships that are positive, uplifting, joyful and peaceful to our lives. 5. No more fears. Love is the opposite of fear. By loving ourselves totally, we no longer fear the mini me – the part of us which is insecure about ourselves. We start to see beauty in us which we often overlook. We become more confident, assertive and positive as we start to trust and believe in ourselves. We stop punishing ourselves for any seeming imperfection as it is these imperfections that make us who we are. We start to embrace, accept and celebrate all that is about us, both the light and dark. When we are genuinely happy, people will relax around us and be able to communicate their thoughts and feelings honestly with us. 6. Fulfilling Relationship. Other than self-love, no other objects, situations or person can let you be truly fulfilled in life and relationships. Try it! Angels’ Guidance on How to Love Yourself 1. Mirror Work. Eyes are the windows to our soul. When you wake up every morning, look into your eyes in the mirror and tell yourself repeatedly “I love you”. How does this make you feel? 2. Pamper and Reward ourselves always. Everyone needs a little boost every day and that includes you. If your inner child craves for an ice-cream, buy it for him/her and you will see how happy you will become for the rest of the day! Reward yourself in good times, and especially in the not-so-good times. It is during this time you will need the most encouragement and motivation to get back up on your feet and move on. Honour yourself at all times! 3. Take Responsibility. Understand that no one but we are responsible for our own happiness and sorrow. All forms of thoughts and emotions we have are created by us. Therefore we only choose thoughts that support and nurture our loving selves. As we do that, we stop playing the victim roles and blaming others for how we feel and think. We are the creator of our lives! 4. Be gentle and patient with ourselves. Stop criticizing yourself and others. Criticism never changes anything. Angels tell us that life is a journey of learning opportunities for soul growth and evolution of consciousness. Therefore if you feel there are any setbacks in life, know that these are part of the learning process and you will always come out of them stronger, better and wiser! 5. Support Yourself. When you need help, reach out to your family and friends for help and support. It is being strong to ask for help. 6. Learn from Animals. Animals are great teachers and expert on self and unconditional love. If you have/had dogs as companions, you know that they always love you wholeheartedly, no matter what. My cat sends me waves of gratitude by purring loudly and hugging me. If you can keep pets, please adopt them from the shelters. There are many pets in shelters waiting to teach and shower their unconditional love upon us. 7. Set Personal Boundaries. Angels remind us to take care of ourselves first at all times to protect our energies. As the saying goes, take care of ourselves first so that we can take better care of others. If we cannot commit, say no for peace of mind. For example, if we are feeling under the weather, we should tell our family/friends who need our help that we cannot commit. If you feel someone is acting in ways not acceptable to you, love yourself by standing up to your truth. Cats are experts on self-love. They set their boundaries by retreating to a quiet corner whenever they need their ‘me’ time. Never feel guilty by being assertive and shining your light. 8. Take Care of Your Body. Exercise and eat healthfully. We always feel refreshed and energized after a good exercise regime. We feel our energy level surge when we eliminate processed food and have mostly fresh leafy greens in our diet. We are in the driver seat of our own body. We love ourselves by exercising regularly and choosing the diet that our mind, body and spirit give thumbs up to. 9. Silence Your Mind. Love is always knocking at the doors of our hearts. We can open the doors and let Love flow within us through meditation. Find a quiet place and focus on your breath. Visualize your heart opening up like lotus, petal by petal. See or feel bright light shining out from the middle of this flower, from your heart. Call upon your Guardian Angels, either aloud or mentally, to guide you to feel love as the light shines brighter and brighter from your heart. Allow this light to radiate out of your body. As you bask in the loving energy, know that this light is you. Feel the love from your divinity and the Angels. Love Unconditionally Angels also remind us when we love, Love Unconditionally, just like our canine friends. This means that we do not attach any conditions or expectations on anyone and situation in all relationships. We accept ourselves and others totally and let go of any attachment of outcome in the relationships. When we love without any condition, we will forgive ourselves and others for what was done and what has not been done yet. We accept ourselves for who we are and do the same to others. Katy Perry’s song, Unconditionally, put it perfectly - Acceptance is the key to be truly free. Free from all self-doubts, heartaches and worries for sure! Let’s celebrate this year’s Valentine’s Day by not only spreading love to your loved ones, but also to the Divine YOU! Happy Valentine’s Day and Celebrate Love in your life every day! Angel Blessings to All! About Jenny Jenny is a Certified Angel Intuitive® trained by Doreen Virtue; Certified Medium trained by Doreen Virtue and John Holland; Certified Usui Reiki Practitioner; and a Certified Meditation Facilitator trained by International Metaphysical Master Umesh Nandwani of The Golden Space®. More recently, she is awarded the certification as a Book of Life (Akashic Record) Specialist by Deborah King. Jenny is happy to help you to connect with your Angels through her private Angel Card Reading, healing and group meditation sessions. Her next workshop in Singapore on Oracle Card Reading will be held on 22 March 2014. You can schedule a session with her via [email protected]
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