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LIVE INTERVIEW WITH VIKTORIA WEBBY10/31/2013 Find out more about the weird and wonderful life, journey and awakening of an intuitive healer dealing with light language, channeling, shadow energies, mirrors, crystal skulls!, cosmic blueprints, munay-ki rites.
This is the transcript of a live interview conducted with Viktoria Webby by Regina Sayer at Taylor's Art Studio on October 16, 7-9pm, in an ongoing series of interviews for Evolve Asia. Q. What for you is an intuitive healer? What happens in a healing session when you’re working with somebody? I can only talk from my point of view. To me an intuitive healer is someone who taps into and through his or her higher self, connects into what I call Divine Source, the highest energy that’s available to all of us on the Planet in this moment in time. It’s someone who has total faith in what they’re receiving, in what they’re doing and what’s coming through. They’re using that energy placed dead centre in their heart from Source or from the higher aspects of that person (they are healing), connecting in and transmitting it. I’ll connect into a person’s higher source/vibration of the actual person there. The two of us basically say “hello” to one another. Our two higher selves connect and the energy flows through. The person on the table in their highest aspect is basically saying to me, “I want this, this, this, this and this done.” So it’s completely listening and hearing through the heart. From there we connect, the energy flows through, the sound and the Language of Light comes and it’s complete. Q. Are you using any tools such as crystals or anything else? It’s very rare that I use crystals but I do have a crystal skull called Neo. He’s one of the few crystals I do use. Although crystals are amazing - they’re growing as we grow, they’re expanding as we’re expanding. But that’s not what I’m here to do. I use sound – it’s what I’ve been brought to the planet to use. That includes light language, toning, chanting and whatever is called for is what comes through my voice. That’s my tool – it’s the energies and sounds of the Earth and especially the waters, the energies and sounds of the whales, the Inner Earth and the Stars. Q. What is Light Language for you? What’s the difference between that and toning and what is it you’re channeling? Light Language or Language of Light - I was introduced to it many years ago. It kind of spontaneously happened. I was guided and blessed by many earth angels, as well as many Beings from the stars or Earth. My Language of Light started more as an Earth-based energy. I see the Inner Earth and the Earth as a star system as well. There are many Star Beings in the Inner Earth. They’re not just all out there. The light that we are is very internal and very earthly and so there are many Beings that have come from the stars like Alpha Centauri, Arcturus and the Plaeides are residing in the Inner Earth. I was a very grounded person and a lady had been speaking Language of Light. I’d never heard it before. My whole cells started to pulse and in a very short time I was hearing it in my mind. I knew I wasn’t crazy because I knew I was a very grounded person. Then I just started speaking it. I noticed it started affecting people around me. People would start to cry or to spontaneously move their bodies. Light Language to me is like our original blueprint, that original sound. There are many dialects of Light Language like there are languages on the planet according to what systems we’ve been in, where we’ve experienced life or where we’ve had training. So you may hear one person speak a Language of Light and another speak and they’re completely different, yet they’re all from that one energy of Source. I believe the original Light Language was sound - this is what I’m told over and over again - and this is what we are returning back to. I believe the original light language was a tone. From that we went out to experience and to journey, we created these languages to connect and communicate telepathically, as well as by voice. There’s really very little difference between Language of Light and toning. Toning is still a form of what I call Language of Light or sound. You can say Language of Light is sound or sound is Language of Light. Today there was a lady that when I spoke the Language of Light you could see it affecting the cells in her body. When I toned it was like it was grounding it in, bringing it into substance, anchoring the language. The Language of Light was really changing her cellular vibration but the sound was too. It’s my experience that the sound tends to reach in and completely grab that essence and pull out what’s not required and replace it with pure love. They’re the same yet they’re different - they affect the body differently. Some people will relate to one more than the other. Who do I channel? From the very beginning it was really interesting because I spontaneously “awoke.” I had had memories of seeing things as a child but nothing connected because I kind of switched off and for 30 years did my life, had my kids, all that stuff. And then through circumstance I switched back on again, just like that. The energy started coming through, the words were happening. I didn’t even know what channeling was. The first being I remember channeling was an energy called Archangel Gabriel and from there it expanded. I always asked that I had the most purest energy coming through, always questioning, always making sure because I felt like it was my responsibility whatever songs, words or messages I brought through, had to be absolutely pure. Who I bring through is diverse and wide. Now I just say it’s one consciousness of Source or pure love. The essence of who I bring through would be a lot of energies of the Grandmothers of the Tribes, a lot of the energy from who we know as the Seraphim and the Elohim. Q. When you say “the energy” meaning it’s what we know them to represent? The name really means nothing? In truth the name really means nothing because the energy we are all channeling is just an aspect of what we are. If you are really connected into your 5th dimensional vibration you are channeling these energies known as Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, St. Germaine or whoever be, as an aspect of you. It’s very challenging for most people to understand that. I’ve had this journey for the last year and realized that this is my absolute truth. That if we realize ourselves as these multi-dimensional beings that we say we are, then we are a multi-dimensional energy and that every aspect of every other energy is a part of who we are. When I realized that, the healings became for more profound. When I connect with people now, like I say to Oliver (in the audience), “I see the God in you that you are in me. I feel, I know and I see the light in you that I know is in me.” I see Olivier as this amazing being and as who I am. So, I’m channeling all of us at our most highest aspect. Q. There seems to be this fear aspect for many people of who’s talking through or to them and at times they’re not able to distinguish what’s not necessarily very benevolent. Can you give some advice on how to make that distinction? From a channeler’s point of view, I would say you got to be in your heart and it’s like a knowing. Channelers are like everyone else - they just start, it just happens and it’s up to each individual person channeling to make sure of their integrity and make sure it’s the truth coming true. It’s important to not believe everything that comes through - use your integrity. If it doesn’t feel right then it’s not right for you at this moment in time. It doesn’t mean that that energy/Being will not be right in a year’s time, it’s just that in this moment in time, you’re not resonating with what they say. It might be that you’re just not ready to hear what they have to say, they may be far more advanced, not better, in their understanding of the cosmos or whatever. You’re just not ready to hear it yet. In your heart, you’ll know. Channelers just know when the energy feels right and if they don’t, then perhaps they’re not looking as close as they should. Anything that comes from pure truth and love won’t ever judge another and won’t ever come from anywhere other than pure love. To me it’s pretty obvious but perhaps not to others. People can be fooled. Some people think channeling is prestigious but we can all do it. It’s such a natural thing but some people are more aware of it than others. Some people have chosen to be channelers and some haven’t. We channel everything everyday. Anybody that creates something like software or whatever it might be, it’s coming from their Divine Intelligence. Once again, it’s goes back to integrity. It’s about staying centered and clear and as pure as you can. Q. We often hear that you must protect yourself, protect your aura, there’s all these energies attaching to you or trying to attack you if you don’t. How do you feel about that especially since you’re having so much energy flow through you? It’s an interesting subject. I really feel I came into the world with what I call the New Energy. I’m incredibly blessed because for the last 30 years there’ve been people out there that have paved the way. Yes, there are energies out there but if you’re afraid of (and I wouldn’t use the word attack) energies connecting to you then you’re going to draw it to you. I’ve had energies come to me. I’ve felt them. But if an energy comes and is what we call a shadow, all it wants is love and recognition. So you need to stand in your power and stay in your heart. If someone continue to say, “Oh these energies are attacking…,” then that person must look at what they’re doing. To be in fear of energy attacking you is to ask for it. I’m very aware there are shadow energies out there, energies that try and block those that are really doing good work on the planet. I’m also aware that if I stay in love, I have very little chance of those energies affecting me. I’ve been doing work around the planet and at times I’ve tried to be stopped by things like a car coming head on toward me as I’m going to the airport. But at the last minute I swerved and missed the car - it just didn’t see me. But I knew there was an energy that was trying to block off what we were about to do. But I just kept going. Stay in your faith and when it comes to energies “attacking”, get a routine about it. Come into your heart and ask for the light. Be pure in your heart, be love and you’re going to have very little problem with energies coming. And if they do come just acknowledge it, don’t be afraid of it. Just say, “Thank you for coming, for showing me. I know you’re in pain and you’re a shadow that is an aspect of me in this moment. Come into my heart. I love you.” And then let it go. Nothing can hurt you if you’re in your heart, if you’re in love. Everything will shine and heal if you’re in love. How do you be in love? Breathe into the heart. I’ve been told in the last few days that “the breath is the key and the heart is the doorway to hear your soul sing.” I have never felt such a deeper truth in the whole 9 years I’ve been doing this. It’s your soul calling you. All of this is about hearing your soul. Coming back to who we are is about hearing the purity of our soul. So if you can breathe into the heart, which is the doorway, you’ll hear your soul sing. Q. When we see things in other people that we don’t like or even these types of energies, is it also mirroring to us something inside of us that needs to be healed? I feel it’s a bit of a duality there. Everything we bring into our life is something we’ve created and sometimes it’s just a bit of a test. My experience with some energies is that I have been terrified, I can’t deny it. I have gone into a state of real fear because they have been the darkest, heaviest, most profound energies that I’ve felt. But then after a moment I said to myself, “Well I have a choice here. Do I stay in fear or do I come into love?” When I see or recognize an energy, in some stage and on some level, whether it was this planet, universe, life or another life, I’ve had an experience with that energy before. So you need to step up and say I recognize this because, I’ve either been there and done that, or, it’s creating an experience within myself. It does reflect back and it’s a choice whether you give yourself a chance to be love or fear, to be free of judgment and to be compassionate. One of the biggest things we can be in this life is judgmental and it’s such a detrimental thing to our soul and heart. If you truly want to be in your love, then let go of your judgment. If you feel energies around people, you don’t judge it. It’s only wanting to be recognized and loved. The minute you judge something you’re creating separation and your energy has gone down. See it and know it for what is just an aspect of either that person or you, or both, because remember we are all One. So love it. If you do go into fear, just come back into love by breathing in love and breathing out love. You’ll start to see that person in a very different way. You’ll be able to project love into that energy cause there’s something in it for you as well, otherwise you wouldn’t see or feel it. Perhaps the gift for you is to let go of judgment. Probably the greatest gift we can give humanity is that anything that happens anywhere in the world, any violence, any fear based energy - let go of judgment, come into your heart, breathe love and project love to that country, action or person. And watch miracles happen. Q. When someone starts out on a spiritual path they often become sensitive to all the violence, crime, disasters, etc. we see in the media. They often want to help but they can’t heal everything and they don’t know what to do. What can you suggest for someone to deal with that? We are not here to heal anything. We are here to hold a vibration of love. It’s really important for us to understand that as lightworkers (I guess that’s the best term to use right now), we’re not here to take responsibility for everything that happens but we can stand in love and hold love for whatever’s going on. The Earth has to play out. The energies that have come before us have to play out. People ask, “What is Love?” A lot of people on the planet don’t know what love is. It’s really important - that’s where the breath comes in, breathing into the heart and allowing the heart to open will open the doorway for love to enter. My guidance always says to me, “Life is living love in joy.” So each day make a choice. Today ask your soul, “What is it I can do today to bring joy into my life and to another?” So when there’s stuff happening out in the world, it’s not up to people to go and heal that place but it is, I feel, the responsibility of humanity to hold a vibration that can send love to that place. For a country that is going through a lot of turmoil, they have to play out the balancing of their country, the balancing of shadow and light, whatever you want to call it. It has to happen for it to heal. It’s like a pendulum, in order for it to heal it has to perhaps swing one way and then come back. The world is healing in a way that each soul has decided and chosen to play. In meditation, we as a group often send love to a country, we don’t ask for anything else other than love to be directed where it’s required. Mother Earth knows. She will take care of herself. It’s important to listen to your heart, to listen to your energies. Don’t go running around trying to heal everything because you’ll burn out and that doesn’t help anybody. It’s important to remain very healthy in yourself, checking your own vibrations, looking after them. Don’t go trying to heal all your friends - it doesn’t work because each of them has to journey for themselves. You can support and love them from a very detached energy, not taking on their stuff and holding that love for them and if they need to call you they will. It’s the same with the world. Q. What do you mean by you are here to do “Earth work”? When I was asked to do work for Mother Earth, I never ever planned to do any Earth work. One day I heard my guidance say we need you to go to this particular spot in Queensland. And I thought it was weird because I’d been doing toning, American Indian drumming and channeling. I love Mother Earth, I’ve always felt very comfortable here, like I belonged here unlike some people who always say they want to leave the plant and don’t feel like they belong here. I’ve always felt I do and that the Earth is going to make it, that this is an amazing place to live and how blessed we are to be here. So I called on a friend and we were told we had to go to this station in Kilcoy and get out of the car and tone. I’ve always been very faithful, I’ve always been asked to do things that I never ever questioned because it always felt right. So I got out of the car and did the toning, felt this energy go straight through me and saw all the grids (what I call the ‘Song Lines’) come completely into balance. And then we went home and that was it. Q. Did you know what you’d done or how it affected everybody or do you not get attached to it? I’m not attached to it. I’m blessed that I don’t need to question everything. I was really shocked and everything I’ve learned has been on the job. I haven’t done any shamanic work or anything. All the sound has come through naturally. I really believe that’s the way…if you’re called to a workshop then go. But you don’t have to go and do every single modality to be an amazing being. You already are an amazing being. I think the more and more experience I have on the land, the more I realize what we’re doing is really amazing stuff because we’re connecting in to the essence of the group consciousness of Mother Earth at its most pure and we’re vibrating at that energy and it just comes through. So, no, I didn’t know at first what was happening. The more experience I got the more they asked myself and other people to go out there, the more I realized how connected we are to the Earth and how we can make such a difference by being one person who sang tones. We found out later in this particular area many years ago, there had been around 40 indigenous aboriginals that had been poisoned so the energy of their vibration was stuck and that’s why we’d been asked to go. I’d no idea. That’s been my journey all the way through. I’ve been asked to do something and if it feels right, I do it. That’s including going to Maui, going to the Kimberley Ranges. We did 2,500 km in 5 days because we were asked to take a crystal skull there. Actually, that’s very connected to Singapore. I love Harmony Crystal Shop in the Sunshine Plaza - Uncle and Aunty there are just divine. I was woken up in the middle of the night and told to go to the Kimberley Ranges, there’s a stargate there. I didn’t know how I was going to find a stargate so I googled the Kimberley Ranges and the first thing that came up was a 30 second YouTube video that showed me the Coburn Ranges and I immediately “saw” the stargate. The Universe will show you when they want you to do something, the minute you say yes, all doors will open. So they (my guidance) said, Uncle and Aunty will get a crystal skull and you’re to take it to the Kimberley Ranges. I’d never seen them with a crystal skull before. I emailed my friend that I’m staying with here in Singapore. She told me, “Believe it or not, they got a crystal skull in yesterday and that’s the first one they’ve ever got in!” Uncle arranged to ship the skull off to me postage free and in the middle of the night before I got Neo (the skull), it woke me up and said, “My name is Neo.” When he arrived, my husband and I flew to Darwin and drove to the Kimberley Ranges and back in 5 days to activate this stargate. This was the first time I had helped with that kind of activation around an energy that wasn’t near the water but there’s a lot of flooding there and it’s a very sacred area to the indigenous aboriginals. They said there were 5 other stargates and we would take Neo to these to be activated so it would be a 6-pointed star to connect Heaven and Earth. Mount Shasta was one, Kyoto was another and at that stage we didn’t know, but Maui was another. This is all about the Lemurian energy. As soon as Neo activated the stargate we saw the energy move out across Australia into the ocean. It’s very amazing when you say yes to the universe, it will provide. We’re not rich, the money just comes a week before sometimes. I have no idea how we’re going to get to places. It just happens. David (my husband) will have a few really good weeks of work and we’ll manage to go. When we brought Neo back, he was laying on David while he was meditating with him. Suddenly he jumped off of David, and fell on the ground and smashed. We went, “Oh my god!” For 24 hours my solar plexus had been churning. I knew something was going to happen but I didn’t get what it was. I burst into tears - it was stressful because my solar plexus felt like it had cracked into so many pieces. David was devastated. Funnily enough Neo broke into 5 pieces and my guidance said it was for the 5 places I was to take around the planet. Neo holds the original blueprint of all the Lemurian codes. Neo knew his journey so he split into 5 pieces. His jaw is now in a Lemurian gateway in the waters in Maui. People often sit with Neo and start to cry because he’s such a loving benevolent being. Q. What are the Divine Blueprints you do? The Divine Blueprints seem to becoming more and more important to my work. When you’ve been doodling, that’s what you’ve been doing. Everybody on the planet can draw codes - blueprints are exactly that. They are like crystals. They’re here to assist us to open to our higher vibration. Blueprints are sacred geometry, a code. When I do a blueprint - sound, light language, colour and whatever comes through. I get a piece of paper on the table and I know to draw a circle and then it evolves and something else comes through, then something else. I draw a picture (codes) and it helps people to shift. They’re connecting to the vibration of the blueprint. There are blueprints, for example, connected to the Plaeides, to the Inner Earth. So it’s a high vibration tool that will assist you to open, to expand, to shed… it’s kind of like going to a healing. These blueprints assist you in coming back, opening you up, moving your cells, moving you into a higher vibration and accelerating them into a state of pure love. Generally I do blueprints for the planet. People will pick a blueprint like they do a crystal. It’ll choose you and you’ll choose it. I’ve just started doing personal blueprints where it’s specific to the person’s codes. I tune into their higher self but sometimes have to wait because the person isn’t ready. It can be a blueprint that’s there for life or for a specific period of time. There’s more blueprints to come that are medical, helping people with disharmony and disease in their body, to help food and water vibrate at a really high level. I’ve used them on the land and some people have placed them in their house when they have felt the energy to be a bit funky. People have used them for their animals and children as well. Q. What are the Munay-Ki Rites that you do and teach? The Munay-Ki Rites are a very beautiful experience. They are sacred rites of the Incas from the Andes Mountains. They were brought from the Himalayas over 30,000 years ago. At first there were only a few rites but since 2006 there was an expansion of them and there are now nine. “Munay” means love and “Ki” means energy. It means, “I love you.” Many years ago people would come to the elders of the Andes and the Incas and they’d receive a healing rite. In those times the healing rites were quite secret, so people would have to close their eyes to receive them. It would take many years before another rite was given. They were brought through by Alberto Villoldo, an anthropologist. In 2006 he was asked by Andean elders to take them out into the world because they believed it was time to share the rites because of the turning over of the world. My husband received an email about them and passed it onto me. Every cell in my body started to vibrate. I don’t go to or read many things because I was told in the beginning I would receive everything through channeling. I was vibrating so much I just knew I had to do it. I had been speaking about the Andes and the Incas from the time I was a child, so I just knew I had to do these Rites. The Teachers Rites are about receiving and giving them, learning to give them to others. But even if you were to just go for the experience and never do them again, you would be touched forever – they activate at a very deep cellular level. They were always given for 2012 and beyond. Q. You mentioned you had a rather abrupt awakening – what happened? Around the age of 43 I separated from my husband and through necessity, I had to earn money. I decided I was going to do massage because it was the quickest way I could start earning for my children and I. I was completely broke and scraped the money together to do a massage course. The first day there was a girl there that I would call a “Byron Bay hippie” – she was into crystals and all sort of things and I’m going, “Oh my god! Look at her!” Complete judgment set in. This was my whole attitude at that time. I wasn’t into any of that stuff. About a month after I did the course, I thought, “Ok this crystal thing looks ok,” so I went and did a day course on crystals and then same for Reiki. I was starting to open up a little bit. I did Reiki 1 and 2 and started seeing colours. I didn’t have much work and offered vouchers for quite cheap. A lady bought 10 vouchers and gave them to a friend who I went to. I walked in and there were crystal everywhere. I thought, “Oh my god, she’s one of them!” So I’m doing my massage and she asks, “Do you have any messages for me?” I said, “No, I don’t have any messages for you.” Ten minutes later she asks me again. I kept looking around at all the crystals thinking I just wanted to get out of there. She told me I needed to go to meditation. I’d tried when I was 18 but it was totally useless, my mind was racing, it was hopeless. But something in my mind clicked and I thought ok, I’m going to go. She sent me to this 75-year-old lady. I lay down on the floor, the lights went out, she started the meditation and all of a sudden this massive light went bang in my head. I was that naive that I sat up and thought she’d turned the lights on. Then I realized the light was coming out of my head and I was feeling a lot of energy so I lay back down. After that I felt energy in my body and started seeing things. They (guidance) were trying to show me there was something there. Within the next week I was nodding off to sleep in semi-darkness staring at the ceiling and suddenly these live eyes appeared. They were massive golden Egyptian eyes. And I went “holy shit!” (I actually swore more than that). I was terrified - these eyes were blinking at me and fear swept through my body. The two eyes became golden wings and flapped across the ceiling. Then the eyes came back again and the same thing happened again… they turned into wings. I felt less fear and then it came back a third time. I was still a little bit fearful but I was relaxing a bit more and starting to realize maybe it was a message for me. I found out later they were the eyes of the Seraphim, a very high angelic vibration. They were showing me there was ancient wisdom to be discovered and this is all very real. I wasn’t imagining it. It was incredible. I’ve had Beings come and seen them open-eyed and I can tell you - it’s all real. They’ll come to you at the most amazing times. Like when I was so down and completely broke, I was doing everything that was asked of me and with two children. I was in a very bad way. I was staying in a cabin with my kids and I felt this Being there. The fire had gone out and I was very depressed and I said, “I’m about to give all of this up. If you’re there, if this is all real, I want some proof.” I’m not the type that usually asks for proof and immediately after I said that the fire ignited. Within 10 seconds I saw fluorescent bright green and yellow light, two beams of light come straight up from the earth and hit the roof. All the light was sparkling around like an aura. It told me it was from Syrius and I burst into tears because it was them coming to me saying, “This is it, you’re on the path.” There’ve been moments like that along the way. Q. What is the one major thing you feel you’ve healed in your life and what do you feel you need to keep working on? The biggest thing has been loving myself. That’s probably the major thing for most people. I really didn’t feel very good about myself a few years ago especially when I was going through the divorce. I was very down on myself and very unhappy. I decided one day - I can go on like this or make a choice to be happy. I started walking along the beach and saying the “I am.” They say “fake it until you make it” and that worked with me. For 30 minutes I’d be saying to myself “I am love, I am joy, I am peace.” I would feel the energy of the grandmother whales that I’m very connected to helping me as I walked the beach. I would talk to myself everyday. One day it clicked and I just felt it. I started to feel the truth of what I was saying and came into my heart. Then everything changed. What I’m doing now is about me stepping into understanding my femininity and the energy of my goddess, the strength and the power of the feminine aspect of myself. Healing my masculine has been a very big journey for me in this lifetime and I feel this past 4 months I’ve nailed it in a way I feel good about all the males in my life. For the rest of my life I’ve no idea. I’m taking it one day at a time, seeing where it flows and what life brings me. I’m making plans but being very prepared to change them at that last minute. Whatever flows, will be. Let it all go and be - allow yourself to be free. If you can be in the moment and express and be in places you don’t want to be but know you’ve gotta be there right now, then you’ll be able to get through whatever challenges come. Everything is done in the moment. The only place you can create is in the moment and in the heart. You can’t create from the mind. You must create from the heart and that’s where you’ll create the absolute best journey and experience you’ll ever have. Note from interviewer: At the end of the interview, Viktoria went around the room and gave messages in Light Language to each person. The audio of these transmissions is found here and although they were personal transmissions, because we are all One, Viktoria has said the messages can be for everyone. Contact Info: Viktoria comes to Singapore twice a year and will be here again in 2014 from 24 February to 7 March at the Reiki Centre. She is also available for distance healing through Skype. Website: http://www.thebluetemple.com E-mail: [email protected] Blog: http://thebluetemple.wordpress.com (contains several free meditations, tranmissions and breathing exercises) Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/shenestar-creations (channeled transmissions)
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