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METAPHYSICS ABCS9/30/2013 C IS FOR COLOUR LIGHT THERAPYOrigins - Colourpuncture Colour Light Therapy – The Difference A Personal Experience of Colour Light Therapy Training to be a Colour Light Therapist Advanced Training Reading Resources Origins - Colourpuncture Colour Light Therapy (CLT) originates from Esogetic Colourpuncture. Both use a small torch (pen) that has interchangeable coloured quartz glass rods. Coloured light is applied directly on the client’s skin on acupuncture points and certain zones of the body to help the body to regain its ability to heal naturally. The word “colourpuncture” comes from the combining of the words “colour” and “acupuncture”. Esogetic Colourpuncture was developed in the 1970s by the German naturopath, Peter Mandel. It’s comes from his many years of studying Chinese and Indian acupuncture, medicine and other energetic healing systems, as well as scientific and ancient esoteric healing philosophies. Thus, the combining of “esoteric” and “energetic” into Esogetic. Mandel believes that the human body is made of light and it’s in this way that cells of the body communicate with each other. As do many holistic/spiritual practitioners, Mandel also believes that the cells of our body hold memories of trauma that affect our state of health. His colourpuncture rods are calibrated to specific frequencies developed through his studies that allow for the cause of trauma to be released and the body to come into balance. Mandel also developed a Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis based on his research of evaluating and cataloguing of over 800,000 Kirlian photographs from clients. By studying the before and after photographs of the light emanating from clients’ fingers and toes, he was able to determine the best colour treatment to apply. Colour Light Therapy – The Difference Colour Light Therapy (CLT) practitioners have taken Mandel’s work a step further. They have incorporated the findings of a group of therapists working from 1989 to 1995 at the Academy of Healing Arts at the Osho Resort in India. These people discovered that their own modalities of psychotherapy, breath work and bioenergetics were enhanced significantly using Colourpuncture. They also discovered that some clients needed further emotional support to help them deal with the issues that came to light from their Colourpuncture treatments. So they started combining Mandel's Colourpuncture treatments in their work. Today, CLT practitioners, like Ma Prem Soham, my teacher, and Sarita (her teacher who was a part of the Osho Resort studies) incorporate other supporting modalities such as dialoguing, emotional release work and dream and picture analysis to further assist clients with a more overall transformational healing on all levels, including spiritual. A Personal Experience of Colour Light Therapy My own interest in CLT began when I started to experience dreams and visions about colour. Shortly thereafter I met Ma Prem Soham (formerly known as Qiming Wuu), a Singaporean holistic spiritual practitioner currently residing in the UK. Her explanation of what CLT does seemed so much in sync with my own philosophy on healing. I decided to take my dreams and visions as a sign to explore further with a private session. Soham doesn’t use the Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis. She’s not alone. The study of it is itself a science - extremely complex, and the equipment is also quite costly. In its place is a detailed questionnaire about medical, mental, family, birth, sexual, drug and addiction information, which she reviews in her introductory session with you. Based on her discussion with you she recommends either a one off treatment or a series of treatments that are part of the Esogetic Colourpuncture scope of therapies. As my session was mainly for experiential purposes first, and healing second, I told Soham that I specifically wanted to focus on my liver area where I felt I was storing long held anger. She agreed to do the therapy around that issue but also recommended another set of treatments based on her initial review and discussion of my questionnaire feedback. The moment the light touched my skin near my liver, my body involuntarily contracting and I went into a trance like state (something that happens quite easily for me). It was very evident the light was triggering something in me. Soham began dialoguing with me, asking me what I felt coming up, who I felt was associated with it, what age was I in that moment I was experiencing and other questions and comments that were relative to what my responses were and what was taking place within me. She was supportive and guiding but not directive in her dialoguing. For me, the application of the light seemed to trigger very very deep memories of pain from a lifetime or many lifetimes of believing myself to have used my own “power” to hurt others. And because of this, my burying of this “power” to never be used again for fear of hurting others. How to find the key to this power I had locked away within me in this life? How to assure myself I wouldn’t make the same mistakes in this lifetime? What I noticed in the days that followed is that the anger that I had repressed in me, started to rise again as if it needed to be addressed and no longer ignored. Training to be a Colour Light Therapist Because of what happened in my session with Soham, I do believe that Colour Light Therapy works for me. So I decided to register for the 3-day Foundation Course which would teach me 16 basic, yet effective treatments that I could apply on myself, family and friends, and also incorporate into my own healing work with clients. Colourpuncture is precise and technical. You are not just intuitively or randomly applying any colour to any old place on the body. The treatments developed by Mandel are for specific symptoms that he studied over years of working with his own clients. Some of the treatments we covered in this Foundation Course were for colds, cramping and stress, hormonal balance, lymph flow rejuvenation, pain and something called spine/soul axis. We needed to understand symptoms, what are considered major and minor treatments and how they can and cannot be combined. We had to take measurements, find and mark acupuncture and other points, and in correct sequence apply different colours to these points and areas of the body. The client is always communicated with about what is taking place. Practitioners need to be considerate of their comfort and modesty as you are applying light at times to sensitive areas such as the breasts, stomach, coccyx, buttocks and the kundalini point about the pubic bone. Light has a vibration to it and it’s advised that the client, if at all possible, refrain from doing any other vibrational therapies during any Colourpuncture treatments. At the time of the training I was taking some homeopathic remedies for bodily detox purposes. I wasn’t sure I wanted to interrupt this. During training, you receive a lot of light as you exchange and practice with fellow participants. By lunchtime, myself and another participant had quite debilitating headaches, which continued on until bedtime. I decided to give my detox remedies a miss for a few days, not wanting to risk adding to my discomfort. Evidently we were both quite sensitive to the light and it was bringing things up for release. Two times after my private treatment I had already experienced this terrible headache, which was definitely not a migraine and something I rarely have. Fortunately, the next day the headache had disappeared (for good until now) for us both and our apparent “healing crisis” was over. A healing crisis, such as our heachaches, can happen when too much light is given too quickly. If a person has many blockages or is very sensitive, emotional and mental trauma can come up for release too fast if time is not taken to process them and gain the insights. As participants of a workshop, you are reminded to take this into account before your register. In the following two days more of my own issues came to light with one treatment provoking ancient memories again of pain and anger and the light language that I speak came out once almost shouting. Advanced Training Learning Colour Light Therapy is definitely for those who really love it because it involves a serious investment in time and commitment to learning the technicalities of it. The tools of the trade are not cheap with the basic Perlux P117 Light Pen set which includes the 7 colour rods used in the Foundation Course, running around $850 SGD. Additional training incorporates “soul-spirit” rods, coloured lenses for surfaces, infrared and ultravoilet pens, crystal spheres, esogetic oil and more. There are many more levels of in-depth training that go far behind the CLT Foundation course. They are training for treatments called “series” that can span anywhere from 3-17 sessions for a client. These series include Prenatals, Male Female Balance, Eating Awareness, Freedom from Bondage, Holographic Healing, Function Circles and Transmitters. Do I want to take the next step into Prenatals, knowing what I know and having experienced the Foundation Course? Definitely! Ma Prem Soham returns to Singapore several times a year. If you are interested in sessions with her or participating in any of her workshops when she’s next in Singapore, you may contact her for further info at: [email protected] http://www.therapistinlondon.co.uk For more information specific to Peter Mandel, Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis and Esogetic Colourpuncture visit: http://www.mandel-institut.com/en For more information about Colour Light Therapy and the various series of treatments, visit Sarita’s site at: http://www.ananda-sarita.com/colour-light-therapy Reading Resources Esogetics: The Sense and Nonsense of Sickness and Pain by Peter Mandel Color Me Healing: Colourpuncture a New Medicine of Light by Jack Allanach Children in the Light – Colorpuncture in Pediatrics by N. F. Pagnamenta This article was contributed by Regina Sayer. Regina Sayer is an intuit/clairsentient from the Bahamas who currently lives in Singapore. She is also a Belvaspata Angel Healing Grand Master, a Lemurian Hakulit spiritual counselor, an instructor of the Yogas of Illumination & Enlightenment (used to clear traumas from past and current lives), and a certified Munay-Ki Rites instructor. She speaks in the light language of an aspect of herself from many eons ago what was a seer and shaman and is able to access beings of the Hidden Realms such as angels, dragons and fairies. Her work focuses on self-empowering people to live a heart-centred existence and to learn to trust the Divinity within that is the real essence of who we are. Healing sessions and workshops are to assist others to come into their own innate abilities and to heal themselves by increasing their perception. Part of this entails learning to interpret signs in the environment and dreams. Regina is also a student of Almine, the internationally acclaimed mystic, healer, seer & Toltec nagual. You can find out more about Regina and her spiritual work at http://thesongoftheself.com/
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