Monthly horoscopesBy Madame Sonja Archives
January 2015
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Dear Aries, you may find yourself occasionally bewildered by the world around you this month as your rational powers take a back seat. Time to slow down and follow your instincts. Your gut is more reliable now. Dear Taurus, you'll have the energy to doggedly persist in any endeavor this month regardless of any difficulty. Keep moving, the results are in view. Dear Gemini, your mind is moving at a mile a minute this month. It is a good time to speak, solve problems and proceed with anything mechanical. Dear Cancer, at best, you are bold and full of initiative and your imagination is lively and energetic this month. At worst, you are easy to provoke and can experience much friction at home and at work. It is your choice. Dear Leo, you're beaming this month as you cannot be luckier as lady and fortune favors you. This bodes well both for relationships, career and money so take advantage of this great time. Dear Virgo, if you're in sales or are doing any sort of selling this month. You may find yourself at the top of your game in every sense. Just watch that you don't overdo it. Ladies and gents, make sure your reproductive jewels are in good shape. Go get a checkup. Dear Libra, you'll find yourself gripped by a feeling of deviousness or mean streak at this time. Allow the feelings their space or channel them into working with the darker and forgotten aspects of life. Dear Scorpio, continue to manage the peaks and troughs in your moods. Don't drive others away under this influence. Better to work it off in the gym or take more rest when feeling down. Dear Sagittarius, you're driven to pursue wealth and leadership but watch your spending mid month as you are liable to get too extravagant with your purchases and spoil the positive developments. Dear Capricorn, it's good to be vigilant and cautious end month as you may have an encounter with danger and aggression that will test your courage and fortitude. Dear Aquarius, unimpeded love and luck are in the air for you so make tracks while you can in these areas. Your confidence will rise. Dear Pisces, there'll be pleasures abound in matters of business, wealth and partnership this month and this will be a great comfort to you. Raise your head. All Copyrights Reserved. Sonia Ong 2013.
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