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pILGRIMAGE TO MIKAO USUI'S GRAVE9/29/2014 Parag Pattani, a reiki master, shares his pilgrimage to Mikao Usui's gravesite at Saiho-ji temple in Tokyo.
On this stone is engraved the story of Usui sensei’s life in brief, in ancient Japanese Kanji language. This stone was erected by some of his disciples to commemorate his life. Following my calling, I have visited the grave site and Mount Kurama where Usui sensei meditated and received his Reiki enlightenment in 1922, a few times. I have had some great experiences during these journeys which I have shared on another page titled “Usui Pilgrimage”. The engraving on the memorial stone has been translated into English by others and has been published elsewhere, but usually copyrighted. It has been my desire to get my own translation done and make it available to everybody without restrictions. I finally managed to solicit the help of Mr.Masahiro Ueda, a Japanese scholar. I am happy to present below, the translation, which I hope all Reiki channels will appreciate. TRANSLATION by Masahiro Ueda (Sept.,2014) at the request of Master Parag Pattani, Singapore. The Monument of the Virtue and Achievement of Usui sensei It is virtue (‘toku’「徳」) that people acquire through disciplining themselves strictly, and achievement (‘koh’「功」) is to disseminate the method of salvation and to practice it. Only a person who produces many achievements and cultivates much virtue can be a great founder of a sect/religion/movement. Since olden days, among wise people, philosophers or geniuses, all who developed new academic fields or began new religion are such type (i.e. virtuous and achieved) of people. And, of course, Usui sensei was that very type of person. Usui Sensei invented an alternative method to heal mind and body by the help of REIKI power of the universe. Because his fame resounded through the country, many people who wanted to learn this method and who sought his therapy came to his place. What a prosperous situation it was! Sensei’s alias is Mika-o, and his pseudonym is “Gyou-han”. His birthplace was Tani-ai village, Yamagata district of Gifu prefecture. His family lineage originated from Tsune-tane Chiba, a warlord who flourished in the Heian era (12-13th century C.E.). His father’s name was Tane-uji and his alias was Uzae-mon. His mother married from the Kawai family. Sensei was born in the fifth day of the eighth month of the first year of Kei-oh (the name of Japanese era, 1865 C.E.). From his early age, he struggled his way through school under adverse circumstances as compared to his friends. As he grew up, at times he made a trip to western countries, at other times he studied abroad in China. After a while things never worked out as he expected, sometimes he spent a lot of time worrying about his own life. However, even in his dark and deprived days, he never collapsed under the weight of adversity, on the contrary, he concentrated on self-discipline more than ever. One day, it occurred to his mind to visit Mt. Kurama[1] in Kyoto. After he meditated for 21 days fasting all day long there, suddenly he felt enormous power of REIKI on his head and clearly comprehended the healing method of REIKI. After this experience, when he tried to put the method in practice for himself and his relatives, he instantly recognized good effects. He thought that it would be better to introduce this method to all the world and to share the benefits rather than to provide therapy only for his relatives. At the fourth month of the eleventh year of Taisho (the name of Japanese era, 1922 C.E.), he took up his residence in Aoyama-Harajuku area in Tokyo, and organized an association named “Usui Reiki Therapy Association” (Usui Reiki Ryo-u-ho Gakkai; 臼井霊気療法学会). Through activities in his association, he taught the method of REIKI and gave therapy. Because so many people gathered from far and near, the entrance of his residence was filled with their shoes all the time. In the ninth month of the twelfth year of Taisho (1923 C.E.), the big earthquake[2] came and innumerable casualties overflowed in every street. As Usui sensei grieved deeply at this miserable situation, he ran giving injured people therapy in the streets everyday. There were hundreds/thousands of people who received his treatment. This is merely an example of his practice to provide relief to his patients in an emergency. Meanwhile, because his clinic became too small for the increased number of his followers and patients, in the second month of the fourteenth year of Taisho (1925 C.E.) the clinic was newly built in Nakano area, a suburb of Tokyo. As his fame increased more and more, he was more often invited from all over the country. He visited Kure, Hiroshima and Saga as and when requested. When he reached Fukuyama, he unexpectedly became ill. He was bed ridden for a while, but he finally passed away at 62 years of age with his life’s ambition still unfulfilled, on the ninth day of the third month of Taisho (1926 C.E.). His wife married from Suzuki family and her forename was Teyi. She gave birth to one son and daughter. The name of the son was Fuji/Funi and he succeeded to his lineage. Usui Sensei had a mild character and a natural humility and never dissembled. He was physically well built, and his face was always lit by a smile. Whenever he undertook a task, he made elaborate preparations for it and accomplished it patiently with unflinching courage. He was blessed with very much talent. He liked reading and was well versed in all learning, such as history, biographies of great people, books on medical science, Buddhism, Christianity, psychology, Taoism, magic, the art of ancient Chinese divination, physiognomy and so on. There is no room for doubt that his remarkable talent in his literary and artistic accomplishments contributed greatly to his strict discipline, furthermore, his discipline has borne fruit in the method of REIKI. In my opinion, the main purpose of the therapy of REIKI is not only to heal an illness but also to maintain our mind and body in a healthy state by the help of the spiritual power of universe and to enjoy happiness in life. Hence, first of all, people who take lessons of REIKI should keep respectfully “the teachings of the Emperor Meiji”[3] in their mind and chant the five vows every morning and evening with all their hearts. The five vows are following;
Moreover, Usui Sensei aimed at making the manner of teaching as easy as possible. His teaching was never difficult to practice, that is to say, he encouraged only two things; one is to cultivate a healthy spirit through meditating, praying, and chanting those five statements every morning and evening and the other is to perform a daily life properly. That is why people can easily learn and spread the method of REIKI. Nowadays, the whole society evolves quickly and, accordingly, the whole thought/ideology is changing completely. If this method of REIKI will spread through world, it must be the great help to make up for deficiencies in people’s life and mind. This is because REIKI is not only the method for healing their chronic disease. His disciples have already numbered in two thousands. Among them, some high disciples in Tokyo remain at sensei’s clinic and succeed to his profession, others in the provinces spread the method of REIKI. Though Sensei passed away, his teachings must be inherited forever. What a wonderful thing it was that he mastered the method of REIKI and taught it to people. Now, as a result of discussion, his pupils decided to build the stone monument at Saiho-ji temple in praise of his great achievements and in order to make it widely known to the whole world for a long time. Therefore, they asked me to write this inscription. I, deeply impressed by his great achievements and by his pupils’ behavior to value relationships between master and pupil, shall presume to make a summary of Usui sensei’s life. I wish that people of the future will admire and respect Usui sensei’s work as well as us forever. Second month of the second year of Showa (1927 C.E.) Edited by “ju-san-i” Dr.(Lit) Masayuki Okada Written by Navy Rear Admiral, “ju-san-i kun-san-tou ko-yon-kyu” (subordinate 3rd rank, Junior Third Court (Rank) – an honour title, Mr. Juzaburo Ushida This inscription has been translated from ancient Japanese Kanji to English by Mr. Masahiro Ueda at the request of Master Parag Pattani, Singapore. The following reference foot notes have been provided by Mr. Ueda for better understanding and are not part of the original inscription. Foot notes [1] It has been popular as a sacred mountain especially among Japanese tantric mountaineering ascetics. 2 The Great Kanto earthquake of 1923. It struck the Kanto region including Tokyo, the port city of Yokohama, and the surrounding prefectures of Chiba, Kanagawa, and Shizuoka. Estimated casualties totaled about 142,800 deaths. 3 It indicates one certain document named “The Imperial Rescript on Education(Kyo-iku Choku-go)” which is issued in 1890 to illustrate the moral principles that each citizen should follow. This document was read aloud at all important events/situations, and people were required to study and memorize it as common sense. Therefore, Usui sensei regarded this as important . After World War II, the American occupation authorities forbade the formal reading of the Imperial Rescript in schools, and the Diet of Japan officially abolished it on 19 June 1948
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ENCOUNTER WITH AN ANIMAL MEDIUM9/29/2014 Sonia Ong suspends her disbelief to reach out to her deceased guinea pig in a short session with an animal medium.
My guinea pig of undetermined age had passed on only after 4 months with me. I had seen Toby on and off over a few months in the pet shop below the yoga studio I had started joining. He had warm innocent eyes, long flowing fur and 4 cute little socks. It had been love at first sight and having never owned a guinea pig before, had taken months to muster the expense and determination to bring him home. I had a tough time subsequently. He had strange moods and kept to himself and I changed so many things to try to please him. About 4 months later he showed signs of warming to me, next morning, he had a heart attack and died. It was a traumatic experience for me and being the first day of the Chinese New Year, a horrible start to the year of the snake. His death had been the catalyst of a massive effort at home subsequently to make sure I was not jinxed with such sad stories. A funny result of this effort (and an entirely different story) was that we ended up with four guinea pigs at home a year after Toby's death. Toby's death hung like a heavy cloud over my head and I always did wonder why he died. Was he too old when I got him? I find pet shops very bad at sharing accurate age information. Toby was a big guinea pig when I got him and he was always '4 months old' in the three months i visited him. Then there was the question. Did I fall short in my care of him? What was it at the end of the day that killed him? The wrong brand of food? Bedding? Inadequate sleeping quarters? I had unfinished business with Toby and it was intriguing to meet Oribel Divine, an animal communicator, at a holistic fair, who proposed to cross our language and now the life-death chasm to speak to Toby on my behalf. Oribel talks to animals dead or alive. The funny thing i discovered from her is that it is easier to communicate to a dead animal (it's always there) than to a live animal (you cannot reach a live animal if it is sleeping or eating or otherwise in survival mode-escaping predators and such). She can help you to understand why your pet behaves a certain way, what is the problem, what is the change in the households that is discomforting for them. Oribel says that animals reflect you and can sometimes mirror or even absorb your illnesses. She tells of a happy hamster that used to sleep with her owner at a corner of her pillow next to her head. One day the hamster started to lose its usual vivacity. She brought the hamster to Oribel and it turned out that the hamster had absorbed some of the owner's negativity in relation to certain matters. In this case, affirmation of her love and desire for her hamster to live on with her and the owner's vow to take back her own responsibilities miraculously brought the hamster back to its usual self immediately. A typical consultation with Oribel feels like a visit with a friend. You bring a photo and your questions. I brought a picture of Toby's face (above). There is no hocus-pocus, no candlelight, no chicken blood, no dark arts or sorcery. It all feels like she is making a telephone call to Toby, without a phone. Her consultation includes the query and a 20-minute meditative connection with your pet/animal. She may or may not clarify things with you in this span of time. Any longer and you should be sceptical. Animal attention spans are short by nature. She usually follows it up with a recording and an extensive written report with lots of supporting reading material. My session with Oribel was a short teaser but she pretty much answered all the direct questions I wanted to know about Toby's death. It was a heart murmur that killed him. He was happy while he was staying with me. What really struck me most though was an insight into a very different perspective from an animal's soul. We like to argue that pets have no freedom, we lock and cage them up and treat them badly and selfishly. Unless something shifts, pets remain a distinct reality. Oribel taught me that animals choose these realities to take birth and to learn certain lessons. In Toby's case, he wanted to know what it was like to inhabit a small body and to have all his needs taken care of by another, for a short time. I had never ever thought of pets choosing their lives this way. It was consoling to hear subsequently that Toby had moved on and now inhabits a bigger animal body. Pets teach us so much about love, selflessness and responsibility and our choice to keep them and particularly what we choose to do when their lives are at stake make many truths about ourselves surface for examination. Even as pets may choose to live their lives in cages, as their caretakers, we still need to think twice before owning a pet and the responsibilities that come with it. Oribel ended the session with glowing drops in her eyes. The session for her had been as if Toby was standing right in front of her on the table, talking to her. I was personally impressed that without my saying, she got Toby's size right when she cupped her hands to gesture Toby's location and size. I say so only because she wasn't clear in the beginning what a guinea pig was exactly. That doesn't matter, nor does the size, or your relationship with the animal. She can talk to any wild animal on your behalf if you have a photo of it for her. She explained that animals have a very pure energy and that always moves her. They also have a distinct voice so they cannot be confused with her own thoughts. It was a very soulful and healing session with unique insights into the natural world. I highly recommend it whether you believe it or not. Sonia Ong has kept white mice, birds, fish, hamsters and dogs in her life. She currently lives with three Guinea pigs, a frisky schnauzer and her human family. She is the Editor of Evolve Asia Magazine. Oribel Divine, the animal communicator, is an international award winning film editor. She is a visionary of peace and a communication expert. Since 2010 she has helped many to communicate with their pets, animals and nature using their intuition. Many who studied under her have learnt to trust themselves and their ability to create deep and lasting relationship with their pets and the natural world. In October 2014, Oribel is a conducting a Pet Communication Workshop. Saturday & Sunday, October 11th to 12th,1.00pm - 6.00pm, Singapore More information about upcoming and future classes can be found at www.oribeldivine.com |