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WHAT IS TRUE SUCCESS AND PROSPERITY? Part i10/23/2014 This is Part I of an enlightening chapter entitled "True Success and Prosperity" excerpted from the book "The Wisdom of Yogananda Volume 1, How to be happy all the time", a collection of teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, with the generous permission of the Ananda Singapore Society. Millions of children are started on the path of life without a destination. They act like little toy engines, wound up with a little power, running without a track, only to smash up against anything that comes across their path. Such aimless journeys in life are the lot of most people, because in early life, they were never started toward the right goal, nor were they properly equipped with systematic powers that would enable them to keep moving on their definite paths. On this stage of life, most people act like puppet-actors, played by environment, prenatal instincts, and destiny. They never know what parts they can play successfully, nor can they harmonize their own duties with the general plan of the Cosmic Drama. Millions, so to say, do their duties in life as if in a somnambulistic state. You should definitely discover your life's path, by analyzing early childhood and present life, before you hastily sidetrack in the wrong direction. Then after you find your path, try to build around it all the creative moneymaking methods at your command. Your moneymaking methods, however, must be made within the boundaries of your idealism-otherwise, you may have money but not happiness. Happiness is only possible when the desire for making money cannot lure you to travel on the wrong path. Wake up! It is never too late to diagnose your life. Analyze what you are and what your deep-seated work is, so that you can make yourself what you should be. You have talents and power that you have not used. You have all the power you need. There is nothing greater than the power of the mind. Resurrect your mind from the little habits that keep you worldly. Smile that perpetual smile- the smile of God. Smile that strong smile of balanced recklessness, that billion dollar smile that noone can take from you. Swami Kriyananda writes the following: A man burdened with worldly responsibilities asked, "What place does duty hold on the path to inner joy?" Sri Yogananda replied: "To live irresponsibly is to live for the ego, not for God. The greater a person's emphasis on ego-fulfillment, the less his awareness of true joy. To fulfill one's duties in life may not be easy, and it may not always be immediately enjoyable. Attaining divine joy is a long-term proposition. Man must discharge his duties in life, and not avoid them, if he would attain freedom in eternity. " Men of success are those who have nerve enough to make an indelible blueprint in their minds of whatever they wish to build or produce upon this earth. They then employ as the financiers their creative ability, as the builders their willpower, as the carpenters their detailed attention, and as the laborers, their mental patience- and thus materialize their dream. You are unhappy because you do not visualize strongly enough the great things which you definitely want, nor do you employ your willpower, your creative ability, and your patience to materialize them. Happiness comes with your ability to manifest first your smallest desires, and later your biggest dreams. You must be careful not to harbor impractical ambitions in your life and consequently spend your years wading through the mire of poverty and sarcasm from family and friends as you chase a rainbow trail. Make mental blueprints of little things, and keep on making them materialize until you can make your big dreams come true. Be happy in the definite accomplishment of the small successes, and then you will know how to be a happiness millionnaire, when later you materialize the big dreams of your life. Unhappiness is caused by failure. You can create permanent happiness for yourself by letting nothing ever disturb you on your forward journey to success. There are no obstacles. There are only opportunities. Transcribed from the paperback by Sonia Ong SURPRISE TREAT FOR OUR LOYAL READERS!! Thank you for reading us. We have secretly planted this message here for those of you who have been following us this past year. Christmas Party with Evolve Asia Singapore: The first 30 readers who write in to [email protected] with the title "I love Evolve Asia Magazine" will receive an invitation to a special Christmas tea party hosted and sponsored by Evolve Asia Magazine on 18 December. Receive free tarot card readings and door gifts. Enjoy herbal teas and healthy snacks in warm company as we bid farewell to a year past and welcome a new year. . About Ananda Singapore
The Ananda Singapore meditation group provides the following services for spiritual seekers who live in Singapore:
Ananda Singapore conducts workshops and talks on meditation and Kriya Yoga on a regular basis. If you wish to be notified whenever there is an upcoming event, please email them so that they can put you on their email distribution list. Bookstore and library Ananda Singapore maintains a good collection of books by Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda that are available for purchase or loan. Weekly Meditation and Satsang They meet every week for group meditation and Satsang (5pm, every Saturday). The address of the meditation hall is Om Vedic Center (Level 2) 43 Tessensohn Rd, Singapore 217661 If you would like to find out more about their activities or know how they can help you, please email them at [email protected] Like them on Facebook to receive quotes from Paramhansa Yogananda: http://www.facebook.com/SingaporeAnanda
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