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Of late the concept of the twin flame has been going the rounds, what is a twin flame and how is that different from a soulmate? Adrian Ng explains. What is a Twin Flame? The knowledge about the existence of Twin Flames is better understood in Universal esoteric fields, and are not mentioned specifically in religious fields. Such Universal knowledge is most effectively gained through actual experience of inter-dimensional travel and communication. Everyone is one half of a pair of Twin Souls in the Universe. The other Twin Soul is often called a Twin Flame. When a person’s Soul Energy combines with his/her Twin Flame’s Soul Energy, they form a perfect balance and match of Feminine/Masculine (or Yin/Yang) Energies of Unconditional Love. When the Universe was created from Source/All-that-Is, there was a need for splitting and separation at all levels of Consciousness and Source Energy, so that the various aspects of Source Energy would be able to experience and learn about Duality and opposites, and then expand in Consciousness in the process. This splitting and separation also applied to the Soul level of Consciousness, resulting in two Twin Souls or Twin Flames. Hence, for every Soul, there is only one Twin Flame in the Universe. For most lifetimes, the two Twin Flames would not be incarnated together, so they would not meet each other in physical form. One of the Twin Flames stays in non-physical form in the higher dimensional realm to provide support for the other Twin Flame who would have a physical life experience on Earth, to learn from life experiences. For a person on Earth to connect with his/her Twin Flame in the higher dimensional realm, it would have to be done through an inter-dimensional session, such as a Twin Flame Love Healing session. During the session, depending on how intuitive the client is, he/she can either see (mentally) the actual form of his/her Twin Flame, or feel the strong and exceptionally loving and healing energy of his/her Twin Flame. During the rare case when both Twin Flames are incarnated in physical human forms in the same lifetime, they would most likely be required to carry out a combined life purpose to fulfill a Universal project or assignment, eg. to help people learn about Unconditional Love. The two Twin Flames’ Soul Energies would complement each other perfectly and have the necessary combined qualities to fulfill their common life purpose. The love attraction of Twin Flames is extremely strong, since they were originally whole. They would feel that the other party totally completes their life. Of Soul mates and twin flames Since people rarely meet their Twin Flames in person, then how do they find their love partner? This is where another term “Soul Mate” needs to be understood. Every Soul belongs to a Soul Group. It is often believed that the average Soul Group is made up of 12 Souls, each with his/her Twin Flame. Any of the other 11 Souls in the Soul Group is essentially a Soul Mate. During each lifetime, a few of the Soul Group members would incarnate together in physical human form. They would then take on roles that have very strong emotional connections with each other, depending on their life plans. Among them, one or more of them could take on the role of a lover or spouse. If it is specified in a person’s life plan that a particular Soul Mate is meant to be his/her lover or spouse, they would subconsciously be drawn towards each other during the lifetime. Along the way, they may get into other love relationships, either for karmic reasons or for learning life lessons. However, deep down inside, the person would naturally feel the most love for the Soul Mate. Healing One’s Inner Issues Creates A Happier Relationship and Marriage The purpose of a Soul Mate is meant to help a person learn and grow in certain aspects. For example, if a person is required to learn and grow in the area of “Tolerance” in a lifetime, there would be one or more of his/her Soul Mates playing roles that would create scenarios in the life that would test his/her Tolerance, so as to enable him/her to learn about it. If a Soul Mate is required to play the role of a person’s lover or spouse, and is here in this lifetime to help him/her learn about “Tolerance”, then the love relationship or marriage would definitely have its share of conflicts, until the person has completed the learning. If a person and his/her Soul Mate are able to heal each of their inner issues before they meet and get into a Love Relationship with each other, they could avoid experiencing many unnecessary heart-breaks from unsuccessful Love Relationships with other unsuitable love partners, who had acted as “mirrors” to reflect the inner issues that had to be healed. If a person and his/her Soul Mate are already together in a love relationship or marriage, healing each of their inner issues would help to create a lasting and happier life journey together, since they no longer need to deal with learning from the conflicts, but instead focus their life together on more positive aspects. One’s Gender versus Actual Masculine-Feminine Soul Energies A person’s physical body on Earth embodies a mixture of Masculine and Feminine Soul Energies. One’s gender does not necessarily denote if his/her Soul Energy is the more Masculine or more Feminine half of his/her pair of Twin Souls. This means that it is possible for a Female to have much more Masculine Soul Energy as compared to Feminine Soul Energy, and likewise, it is possible for a Male to have much more Feminine Soul Energy as compared to Masculine Soul Energy. This is the reason for differences in people’s sexual orientation, regardless of their gender. Adrian Ng is a Master Healer and Life Guide, Certified Hypnotherapist and Self-Hypnosis Trainer, Certified Past Life Regressionist and Geomancer. You can find out more about Twin Flame Love Healing, his services and testimonials at Website: http://www.LivingLightUniverse.com Mobile: (65) 98-000-651 Email: [email protected] Adrian is teaching the following classes in May Kundalini Reiki Level 1 Healing Course: 17 May 2014 (Sat) Kundalini Reiki Level 2 Healing Course: 24 May 2014 (Sat) Kundalini Reiki Level 3 (Master) Healing Course: 2 Aug 2014 (Sat)
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