Monthly horoscopesBy Madame Sonja Archives
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april 2014 horoscopes by madame sonja3/31/2014 Dear Aries, I suspect you may be caught in some difficult dangerous political or social ground where you may feel pulled between the tug of your own preferences, your close circle and keeping harmony with the standards of society. Breaking the problem down and setting your priorities while acting with caution and prudence should make your decision making easier though you'll probably still have to tread with extra caution and prudence.
Dear Taurus, you take an interest in foreign or unusual concepts and ideas this month. Anything you do will be executed perfectly for you will be exacting, painstaking and thorough. The flip side of this efficiency is a tendency towards depression so remember to take a break.. Who knows you may find yourself in an exotic foreign locale and it would be a waste not a steal a moment of splendorous relaxation. Dear Gemini, you may travel for business or to teach, write and lecture. Anything connected to higher formal education will be extra lucky, special or important for you. You will also profit from them. Alternatively you may just get that Eureka moment you have been waiting for in a while. Dear Cancer, you're a yoyo as the month beings, swinging from a zesty high to a sulky low, like our weather these days. Bring balance to your mood swings by channelling that energy into domestic projects like redecorating or a massive dinner party. Dear Leo, there is a lot of planetary energy in partnership, corporate or legacy money this month. This means that much tension will be felt in these areas between individual desires vs needs of the group as soon as the month starts. Alternatively, this is a spiritual time and mystical experiences can be had. Dear Virgo, this is the best time for problem solving, charismatic speaking and planning the intricate details. These areas of your life will benefit as you will find it takes less tedium to get to the right solution or answer. Words will also roll off your tongue and you can express yourself well. Enjoy the extra momentum the planet has gifted you. Dear Libra, your focus will be on personal goal acquisition and this will make you appear harder than your normal kind self. Ladies watch for role confusion in partnerships, either you end up wearing the pants this month or you get a confused or dishonest date. Don't make hasty commitments. Dear Scorpio, you'll play the perfectionist task master this month, accepting heavy responsibilities that take you closer to your personal, career and financial goals. You can be tough on yourself, but stop before you overwork others. Learn to release some of the burden of emotional responsibility that you sometimes unconsciously over pile on yourself. Dear Sagittarius, you're hard-talking, results oriented and possibly even cutting an imposing figure which can help with risky endeavors and confronting aggression on the job. You should also have ample extra energy to accomplish your health goals this month. Onward and upward! Dear Capricorn, your world is in order when the month begins. This is a good time to try something new at work for a change. For everything that you expect from others, try to accept those who come close. You'll discover that your world won't come toppling down and the universe has a wide margin for error. Dear Aquarius, you have a fine eye for beauty and a skillful knack for giving advice this month. As such you'll be much admired and sought out. Any cause you are devoted to will benefit doubly from your presence. Don't be shy to push forward on worthy initiatives. Dear Pisces, watch your body for inflammation or Heatiness this month. You can also be impatient or overbearing if you don't bring mind and body into balance. You're better at handling short duration tasks this month so break those long tasks down into discrete steps.
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