Monthly horoscopesBy Madame Sonja Archives
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JULY 2013 HOROSCOPES BY MADAME SONJA6/25/2013 Dear Aries, do not allow yourself to get caught up with a fanatic pursuit of ideas and projects, you face the danger of losing the big picture and having a project fall apart at the seams.
Dear Taurus, you will experience romance in your relationships or luxury in your life. Enjoy this pure and dreamy pleasure and don't allow practical considerations to get in your way. Dear Gemini, in your communications and activities, you are advised to be wise and systematic in your approach or you will most certainly experience conflicts. Dear Cancer, appreciate the benefits of productivity in your relationships, partnerships and businesses even as you find the whirlwind of social joys coming your way more pain than pleasure. Dear Leo, you'll experience conflicts in the area of profit and this can cause disappointment or frustration. Fortunately, if you use your wisdom and are rational, you may be able to turn this situation around. Dear Virgo, be very careful this month. Not only do you need to be cautious of your own actions so you don't get into trouble, you also need to be aware of other people's choices and behavior so you don't become a victim. Dear Libra, you need to be careful about the people you associate with during this period because you have a higher likelihood than other times to be subjected to ruthless people. Use your discretion in your associations at all times, and if something in your gut says no, whether you consider it a frivolous murmur or not, do not even go down that path. Dear Scorpio, you will notice much activity and some fortune coming your way this month. Be organised and prepared to seize the opportunities when they come. Dear Sagittarius, you are dynamic and enthusiastic and this fuels your drive to succeed. Make sure you don't expand too quickly or you may suffer loss. Dear Capricorn, you may find yourself very passionate and find it troubling to settle down. Alternately, you may get into heated discussions because you are easily provoked. Be fair to others and let them know you are not ready yet. Dear Aquarius,there is expansion in all areas of your life. Enjoy the benefic influence in your spiritual and material life. Dear Pisces, you will have a lot of energy at your disposal this month, some of it aggressive. Work it off or watch that you don't alienate the people around you with a quick temper.
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